I have got a brick and now I want to add some lightning to it!


Here is a brick wall from yesterday

Lets pass a vector from mouse to the brick center and calculate the dot product. Dot product of two vectors V1 (x1, y1) ยท V2 (x2, y2) = x1x2 + y1y2

var brickPoints = [ new Point(-brick.width/2, -brick.height/2), // top-left new Point(brick.width/2, -brick.height/2), // top-right new Point(brick.width/2, brick.height/2), // bottom-right new Point(-brick.width/2, brick.height/2) // bottom-left ]; var brickSides = brickPoints.map((p, n)=>{ var p2 = brickPoints[(n+1)%brickPoints.length]; return new Point(p.x + p2.x, p.y + p2.y).div(2); }); var drawBrick = function(x, y, w, h, deltaRat){ rect(x, y, w, h, function(localX, localY){ var dot = deltaRat.x*(-w/2+localX) + deltaRat.y*(-h/2+localY); var isLight = dot > 25; return dot; }); } update = function(){ for( var y = 0; y < h; y += brick.height ) { for( var x = -y / brick.height * brick.width / 3 | 0; x < w; x += brick.width ) { var pos = new Point(x+brick.width/2,y+brick.height/2) drawBrick( x, y, brick.width, brick.height, pos.sub(mouse) ); } } stop(); }; move = function(){}

Shade the border

var drawBrick = function(x, y, w, h, deltaRat){ rect(x, y, w, h, brickColors[3]); rect(x+1, y+1, w-1, h-1, function(localX, localY){ var dot = deltaRat.x*(-w/2+localX) + deltaRat.y*(-h/2+localY); var isLight = dot > 25; // side if(localX === 0 || localY === 0 || localX === w-2 || localY === h-2) return isLight ? brickColors[2] : brickColors[0]; return brickColors[1]; }); }

Shade the inner part of the brick

const bound = n => (n<0?0:n>1?1:n); var drawBrick = function(x, y, w, h, deltaRat){ rect(x, y, w, h, brickColors[3]); rect(x+1, y+1, w-1, h-1, function(localX, localY){ var dot = deltaRat.x*(-w/2+localX) + deltaRat.y*(-h/2+localY); var isDark= dot > 25; // side if(localX === 0 || localY === 0 || localX === w-2 || localY === h-2) return isDark ? brickColors[2] : brickColors[0]; if(dot < 85) return 0x009955 return isDark ? dither(bound(1/(dot-64)*36), brickColors[1], brickColors[2]) : 0x009955; }); }

And the light part

const bound = n => (n<0?0:n>1?1:n); var drawBrick = function( x, y, w, h, deltaRat ) { rect( x, y, w, h, brickColors[ 3 ] ); rect( x + 1, y + 1, w - 1, h - 1, function( localX, localY ) { var dot = deltaRat.x * ( -w / 2 + localX ) + deltaRat.y * ( -h / 2 + localY ); var isDark = dot > 25; // side if( localX === 0 || localY === 0 || localX === w - 2 || localY === h - 2 ) return isDark ? brickColors[ 2 ] : brickColors[ 0 ]; if( dot < 65 ) { var coeff = 1; var dot2 = deltaRat.x *coeff* ( -w / 2 + localX ) + deltaRat.y *coeff* ( -h / 2 + localY ); return dither( bound( ((deltaRat.x**2 + deltaRat.y**2)/1500) )**2, brickColors[ 1 ], brickColors[ 0 ] ) } return isDark ? dither( bound( 1 / ( dot - 64 ) * 36 ), brickColors[ 1 ], brickColors[ 2 ] ) : 0x009955; } ); };

Try it on the bigger wall. I do not like the result too much, would try do something better later.