
Animation is just a sequence of frames. If I would clear everything and draw slightly different image — it would be an animation! All code that is in the update function would be called each frame. It would receive delta time from last frame and full time as arguments.

Pixelart canvas is optimized for drawing only changed pixels.

By the way, you can see some numbers above the canvas. They are displaying the amount of points that have changed from the previous frame

px.frameRate = 24 rect(0,0,w,h, 0x00006A) update = function(dt, t){ rect(0,0,w,h,0x00006A); var rainbow = [0xff0000, 0xffff00, 0x00ff00,0x00ffff, 0x0000ff]; for(var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var x = rand( w ); point( x, rand( h - (x-20)/w*h )+(x-10)/w*h/2, rand( rainbow ) ); } rainbow.forEach(function(color, y){ for(var x = 0; x < w; x++){ point( x, sin(x/5+t*20)*h/6*(w-x)/h+h/2+y, color ); } }); }


px.frameRate = 2 rect(0,0,w,h, 0x00006A); var nyanColors = { stroke: 0x010002, // stroke bread: 0xffd2a0, // bread pink: 0xffa4ff, // pink pinkerDots: 0xff44ae, // pinker dots grey: 0xa8a8a8, // grey legs cheeks: 0xffa3a8, // cheeks whites: 0xffa3a8 // whites }; var bodyW = 16, bodyH = 14; var randDots = []; for(var i = 0; i < bodyW/2; i++){ randDots.push(new Point(rand(bodyW-5)+3, rand(bodyH-5)+3)) } var drawNyan = function(x, y){ var left = x-bodyW/2+2, top = y - bodyH/2, bottom = y + bodyH/2, right = x+bodyW/2+2; rect(left+1, top+1, bodyW-1, bodyH-1, nyanColors.bread) rect(left+3, top+3, bodyW-5, bodyH-5, line(left+2, top, right - 2, top, nyanColors.stroke); line(left+2, bottom, right - 2, bottom, nyanColors.stroke); line(left, top+2, left, bottom-2, nyanColors.stroke); line(right, top+2, right, bottom-2, nyanColors.stroke); point(left+1, top+1, nyanColors.stroke); point(right-1, top+1, nyanColors.stroke); point(left+1, bottom-1, nyanColors.stroke); point(right-1, bottom-1, nyanColors.stroke); randDots.forEach((p)=>point(p.x+left, p.y+top, nyanColors.pinkerDots)) }; update = function(dt, t){ rect(0,0,w,h,0x00006A); var rainbow = [0xff0000, 0xffff00, 0x00ff00,0x00ffff, 0x0000ff]; for(var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var x = rand( w ); point( x, rand( h - (x-15)/w*h )+(x-10)/w*h/2, rand( rainbow ) ); } rainbow.forEach(function(color, y){ for(var x = 0; x < w-20; x++){ point( x, sin(x/5+t*20)*h/6*(w-x-10)/h+h/2+y, color ); } }); var x = w-18-8, y = 2; drawNyan(w - 18|0, sin(x/5+t*20)*h/6*(w-x-10)/h+h/2+y|0) }